Weekly schedules

Weekly Objectives November 26-November 30, This will be updated WEEKLY

This weeks objectives involve financial literacy, the main objective is to help students understand how interest works and how to appropriately budget.

Monday November 26I can calculate simple interest by using the simple interest formula.


Tuesday November 27I can calculate compound interest by using the compound interest formula.


Wednesday November 28I can determine a household budget and hourly wage required for it by using a family budget estimator. (Bring Headphones)


Thursday November 29I can identify components of budget and calculate percentages of personal budget by setting up a proportion to solve.


Friday November 30I can organize a financial assets and liabilities record by categorizing the two in order to determine net worth.


Monday December 3: I can organize a financial assets and liabilities record by categorizing the two in order to determine net worth. 

Tuesday December 4: Review Unit 9 TEST

Wednesday December 5: Unit 9 TEST 


Thursday December 6: Go over Unit Test results and cover most commonly missed problems 

Friday December 7: Begin Unit 10; I can solve problems using data represented in circle graphs by using proportions.                       


Check my twitter for any changes that may occur or any helpful tools and tips. You may either look at the "Contact Me" section or follow me @mrwmath



AM Tuesday 7:45-8:15 

PM Thursday 3:45-4:20

Other dates and times are available upon request